Monthly Archive: May, 2017

The Concealed Carry Writing Prompt for Fashionistas

Guns, knives, garrotes, guillotines – some weapons are more easily concealed than others. And unless you want to use the “Where was he hiding that?!” joke, it’s something you want to think about before writing the scene, and the concealed carry writing prompt for fashionistas will walk you through the basic considerations required. Well, required for fiction. I have no...

5 Ways to Use Inspirational Speeches in Your Story

Persuasive speeches are such a strong, traditional way to motivate people that they show up not only in life but also in books, movies, musicals, and more. Here are a handful of examples of ways to use inspirational speeches in your story. How Persuasive Speeches Affect Plots It may seem like an inspirational or persuasive speech has an obvious purpose, and from...